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The #1 Thing yang Naikkan Income Saya Sebagai Skill Seller

Ramai orang gentar nak buat method ini

Saya ada soalan untuk awak:

Kalau awak boleh 2x income awak dapat from selling your skill, would you do it?

If you say ‘No’, cepat-cepat pergi healing dekat Cameron! Something’s not right!

But if you say ‘Yes’, then sharing saya hari ini will help you a lot.

Now mungkin awak tahu atau mungkin awak tak tahu, tapi tahun ini ialah my 6th year monetizing or selling my skill.

Ada banyak ups and downs. Ada banyak method saya guna.

Tapi ada satu ini yang naikkan income saya without me having the need to find new customers.

And ramai orang gentar nak implementkannya. I 100% understand why though.

The method is called upsells.

What Is An Upsell?

According to Oxford, upsell ialah:

To simplify, kita pujuk customers untuk belanja lebih lagi.

Pernah tak awak pergi McDonalds?

And I’m pretty sure you’ve been through this situation.

Kita masuk ke mcd and in our mind, kita dah set kita nak order burger McChicken ala carte saja. Tiba-tiba akak mcd tanya;

Tak nak upgrade ke set? Tambah RMX.XX jer

Lepas itu kita pun bayar lebih untuk dapatkan the whole set which in the first place kita tak nak pun, tapi sebab it sounded cheap or easy, kita pun ambil jugak.

Now that’s a simple example of an upsell.

Kalau awak perasan, saya boldkan perkataan ‘customer’ dekat atas tadi.

Upsells is usually meant for customers saja. It doesn’t work on prospects and strangers.

Why? Sebab prospects and strangers belum pernah spend lagi untuk buy anything related to our skill.

Keep this in mind ya, because it is one of the most frequent mistakes new skill sellers make.

Why Should We Upsell?

Banyak kali saya dapat soalan ini. The reason is that people have a bad narrative tentang upsell.

“Oh kalau saya upsell nanti, mesti customers akan lari”.

Sebenarnya, bukan sebab kita upsell yang customers lari. Tapi sebab cara kita buat upsell itu yang buatkan customers rasa uneasy.

Now upsells has been the major thing yang bantu saya 2x income saya. Dari 4 angka boleh lonjak ke 5 angka dengan upsells saja.

Let me give you an example.

26 Mei lepas, saya launch buku Sell Your Skill. Kalau awak belum dapatkan lagi, I highly recommend you to go and get it here.

But if you’ve bought the book, mungkin awak familiar dengan upsell yang saya buat, kan?

In the funnel, the book is the your first offer. Selepas orang dah bayar untuk buku, dia akan dibawa ke thank you page yang mana saya ucapkan terima kasih dan jemput buyers to get my upsell - Info Product Accelerator.

Let’s look at the numbers on launch day 26th May:

Info Product Accelerator:

  • Units sold: 5

  • Price per unit: RM99

  • Total sales: RM495

Dekat sini kita nampak yang the upsell added an extra RM500 to my sales.

Would you want an extra RM500? 100%!

Of course dekat sini saya punya sales page for the upsell is too simple. Ada banyak benda saya boleh adjust, tapi that’s for me to do later hahaha!

Now saya nak bagi disclaimer ya, I’m not revealing the numbers untuk riak or show off.

My aim is to show you the possibilities an upsell can do for you and that awak tak perlu risau untuk upsell.

Awak cuma perlu tahu cara yang betul saja.

Plus, saya nak berikan motivation dekat awak. I know you’ve been thinking about starting tapi awak:

  • Rasa macam skill awak basic

  • Rasa macam tak ada orang peduli

  • Rasa macam tak boleh bina audience

I get that. I understand all of this.

A few months back masa saya baru nak start dengan Sell Your Skill, I felt the same way.

And yet here we are today connecting dekat sini.

But I am still a nobody. I’ll always be a nobody. But I am a ‘somebody’ to somebody.

Things happen if you just get started.

If you don’t start somewhere, you’re gonna go nowhere.

Bob Marley

The Right Way To Upsell (My Opinion)

Saya letak siap-siap my opinion dekat sini sebab mungkin ada orang lain sikit cara dia.

But this is the way I’ve been doing it and alhamdulillah, it works quite well.

First and foremost, kita kena ingat balik satu perkara.

Orang nak dapatkan skill kita, be it in the form of info products atau pun sevis sekalipun, sebab mereka nak selesaikan masalah mereka.

That’s it.

Of course mereka engage dengan kita sebab maybe they like us, but at the end of the day it’s all about them and their problems.

Bila kita ingat benda ini, kita boleh buat upsell dengan lebih mudah.

We just need to understand:

What is their next problem that I can solve?

Dalam kes saya dan buku Sell Your Skill, saya tahu yang the first problem orang hadapi ialah nak tahu cara untuk start jual skill.

From there, terhasilnya buku itu. But of course, there’s always the next problem.

Jadi the next problem is cara paling senang nak jual skill kita ada.

Hence, saya create IFA tadi. It solves the next problem customer ada.

Dekat sini mungkin awak akan rasa agak lost.

“Macam mana aku nak tahu apa next problem customers ada?”

This is where kita ingat balik pengalaman kita sendiri.

Do this activity:

  • What was the problem I have when I first started with my skill? (Your First Offer)

  • What problems I faced after learning the basics of my skill? (Upsell)

Tuliskan atas kertas dan jawab 2 soalan ini. You’ll figure it out in no time!

And that’s how you do an upsell.

Summary & Final Notice

I hope sharing hari ini tak terlalu berat. Well in all honesty it is a bit.

Tapi kita still kena tahu dan buat benda ini.

And just to persuade you a bit more, setiap offer kita berikan dekat pelanggan yang perlukan skill kita, pasti akan berikan impak pada mereka.

Impact > Income.

Knowing yang kita bantu someone out there untuk selesaikan masalah yang mungkin dah lama dia hadapi is a feeling that’s unbeaten.

Okay to end my sharing today, saya just nak inform kita nak buat something a bit different every week.

Based on apa sharing saya on that week, saya akan tanya one question and saya nak minta awak reply.

After a few days, saya akan postkan dekat Twitter all your ideas supaya we can help our #SkillSeller community members.

Boleh boleh?

QOTD: Kalau saya ada skill in repairing computers dan offer pertama saya ialah ebook Cara Lajukan Laptop, what is a suitable upsell?

Reply dengan jawapan awak ya! Jangan risau, tak ada jawapan yang salah.

See you next week!


Paeh Brian
One skill is all you need


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